What Should You Know Before Installing Solar in Wisconsin?
Over the last decade, prices for solar panels have dropped dramatically, making it more affordable than ever to add solar to your Wisconsin home. With a well-designed solar system, you can significantly reduce or even virtually eliminate your electrical bills. Plus, according to a study by Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, a solar system can add up to $15,000 to the resale value of your home. But before you make the leap to solar in Wisconsin, it is important to ask a few questions first.
1. Is Solar A Good Investment?
Besides adding up to $15,000 to the resale value of your home, a solar system can also cut your electricity bills by up to $20,000 over the typical 20-year service life, according to EnergySage.com. Plus, local, state, and federal tax incentives can reduce the initial cost of the system significantly, with the 2023 through 2032 federal tax credit being worth up to 30% of the total cost of the system.
2. Is My Roof Good for Solar?
For the best performance, a solar system needs plenty of open space on a south-facing or southwest-facing roof, with no nearby trees or buildings that will cast shade on them. If your roof has the correct orientation and the pitch is not too steep or too shallow, it should offer good power output on sunny or partly cloudy days. But in Wisconsin, another factor is the snow. Roof-mounted panels will take a long time after a snowstorm to melt the snow and begin producing power, so homeowners with plenty of space may opt for ground-mounted solar panels that can be cleaned easily.
3. How Much Solar Power Do I Need?
If you are considering solar in Wisconsin, it is a good idea to switch to energy-efficient appliances, electronics, and lighting – such as Energy Star-qualified appliances and LED lights. This will allow you to make the most use of your solar system. Then, work with a professional solar installer to estimate your energy usage and determine how large of a system you will need to meet your energy-saving goals.
4. What Do I Do With the Excess Power?
If your solar system is large enough to produce excess power during the day, Wisconsin allows for net metering. This means that you can sell your excess solar energy to your utility provider, earning credits on your utility bill. As your credits accumulate, you will pay less for power after the sun sets, when the solar panels no longer operate.
5. Who Should Install My Solar System?
Only use a qualified solar installer to design and install your solar system. It takes plenty of experience to install solar in Wisconsin, and any mistakes could be potentially dangerous, with high voltages that can cause fire hazards, the potential for roof damage, and tricky wiring to safely connect to the utility grid. Plus, the code requirements can be quite hard to follow for anyone without the proper experience.
Schedule a Roof Inspection Before Installing Solar in Wisconsin
Before considering an upgrade to solar in Wisconsin, it is a good idea to make sure your roof is in good condition and can handle the extra weight. Our team at First Quality Roofing can provide a comprehensive 14-point roof inspection to provide peace of mind before the solar installation, and we also offer complete roof repair and replacement services if problems are found. Our company offers unsurpassed service and professionalism, with a team of licensed, experienced roofing professionals, upfront pricing, great warranties, and up to 100% financing.
Call First Quality Roofing today at 715-350-2162 or schedule a roof inspection online to make sure your roof is ready for solar in Wisconsin.